Tuesday 28 March 2017

Its great that everyone has booked or made contact about booking a time for their SLC.
100% is awesome!!!

The students will have a chance to share their learning and parents and teachers can help them to set goals and plan how to reach them.

Thursday 23 March 2017


Wednesday 22 March 2017

When one of us is in need, we are there for them! 
This is the card we made for Charlie when he was in hospital. It's great to have him back!!
We have published a 'Moment In Time' and it is displayed with pride on our literacy wall. This is a piece of writing where we describe a moment that was 'emotive', without saying what was actually happening. That way, the descriptions tell teh story enough for our readers to 'infer'!
D3 are excitedly waiting for our buddy class - somewhere in New Zealand - to send us poems and information about themselves!! We joined in on the SchoolKit program and tomorrow a courier will arrive to take our poems and class info poster to them! 
This is the class photo we have included. Stay posted - we'll let you know who they are soon!!