Tuesday 23 May 2017

So today we watched a Decision Point YouTube message called 'Be A Rebel'. It's about what God want for us and how Jesus was also a rebel. It encourages us to turn away from consumerism and modern culture, and be proud to be Catholic. As we all watch this we learn something from it and what I learned about it was to always love everyone, no matter what. After watching this we all went to write in our Reflection books about what our goal was for today and how we went with our last goal so far.

Monday 15 May 2017

Here are a few students from the 'Negative Numbers' group watching a Math Antics maths video that helps our class with our maths. We are also playing a game that will help with multiplying, adding, subtracting and dividing negative and positive numbers, or integers. All of this work for maths is on Google Classroom so ask if your child would like to show you at home!

Sunday 14 May 2017

Today for maths one group is learning about negative numbers and the other group is on the floor with Mrs Schofield learning about place values. The group learning about negative numbers have to watch a video then play a game. Later Mrs Schofield said to the groups to swap so the negative numbers group went to the ground and the place values group went on devices to do the same thing that the other group did.

Monday 1 May 2017

This term D3 is reading Bridge To Terabithia for our chapter book. We sometimes take turns reading from the activ board while the other time Mrs Schofield reads to us. While we are reading we write down a vocab lists that consists of words that we are unsure about the meaning. We than figure out the meaning

Thursday 6th of March was the last day of technology for the year 7.  We completed our lollie dispenser and we'll be taking it home :)

Today in D3 we learnt about mean, median, mode and range. 
D3 had loads of fun learning about mean, median, mode and range.
 Mrs Schofield gave a helping hand to those who needed help but some of us caught on quickly. 
We considered this as one of the best maths exercise we've ever learnt. we've been excited about this for two days straight. Overall this was a great start to the beginning of the term.